Friday, October 9, 2009

Chicken Soup for the Soul Cookbook

Yeah, I read these books. Sue me. My grandma used to get them all the time and we'd read them together. I have a pretty soft heart and anything like this tends to make me tear up, at least a little.

Though honestly, there was this one woman who apparently is a big deal in the cooking world (or at least in her her own head) and apparently is friends with the rest of the editors. And she wrote half the darn book. Seriously, it's sweet that her first husband died and she feels like her second husband was selected by the dead one just for her and they have this incredible bond, but still. I got tired of cute stories about Debra and Ted or whatever their names were.

Also, because these were selected primarily for the recipes, a lot of the stories were poorly written or completely unrelated to the dish they showed a recipe for. There were a couple cute stories, but all in all, none of the food sounded that great. One was even a rip off of Thundercake! Which was one of my favorite stories of all time as a kid! Lame, says I.

All in all, I kinda enjoyed reading it but it didn't exactly change my life. I probably should've spent the time on reading Anubis Gate, since that's next on the list.

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